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Dual Sports Badminton Detailed Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan in Physical Education
Grade 7

Teacher’s Name: David, Neliza D.

Date: April 02, 2019

Time Allotted: 30 minutes

Lesson Title: Dual Sports Badminton

Learning Area Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of the concept of physical fitness and physical activity in achieving, sustaining, and promoting an active life for fitness and health.

Grade Level Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of personal fitness in achieving an active lifestyle.

Content Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to achieve personal fitness.

Performance Standard

The learner designs an individualized exercise program to achieve personal fitness.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

1.       Define the nature and background of the sport badminton.
2.       Discuss the rules of badminton and basic strokes or hits
3.       Show and explain the correct ways of holding the racket.


       A.      Topic: Dual Sports Badminton

       B.      Reference: Grade 7 Physical Education and Health, Pages 66-69

       C.      Instructional Materials: Rackets, Shuttlecocks

       D.      Value Integrated:

Teacher’s Activity

Student’s Activity


A.      Preparatory Activities

Good afternoon, class.

      1.       Opening Prayer

Please stand for the prayer. Kindly lead us in prayer, Wenci.

2.       Checking of Attendance

Class monitor, who is absent for today?

3.       Motivation

I will group you in two and I need one representative for each group. We will be having a game called charades. Are you familiar with this game? You just have to guess what your classmate’s action is. You only have one minute to guess. Your timer starts now.

Time is up! Group one, what is your answer?

How about group two? What is your final answer?

You may now be seated. Your answers are both correct. Well done! Give yourself three claps.

B.      Developmental Activities

     1.       Presentation of the Lesson

Based on the game that we played, what is your idea about badminton?

What else?

Right. The sport badminton is played by singles, doubles, and mixed doubles matches where the opponents volley a shuttlecock over a net using a racket. The aim of this game is to land the shuttlecock in the opponent’s court. It originated in Siam, China over 2,000 years ago. Since 1992, it has been an Olympic sport.

 Good afternoon, Ma’am.

Lord, thank you for this wonderful day that you have given to us, help us understand the lesson for today and give us wisdom, and also guide us in our activity today. Amen.

No one is absent today, Ma’am.

Yes, Ma’am.

Our answer is badminton.

Badminton is our answer, Ma’am.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

It is a match of singles and doubles.

It is played using a racket, a shuttlecock, and a court with a net.

Teacher’s Activity

Student’s Activity

We also have two ways of holding the racket the forehand or handshake grip and the back hand grip. In forehand grip position the thumb and pointing fingers wrapped around the handle forming letter V while the rest of your fingers are spread supporting the bottom part of the handle. The backhand grip, from the forehand position the fingers place the thumb pressing flat side on the handle.

     2.       Lesson Proper

     A.      Activity

Now, I will be grouping you into six groups. Each group will be given 1 basic stroke in badminton. I need two representatives for each group. The first one will explain the steps of the stroke and the other will demonstrate. You only have five (5) minutes to do it.

Let us start with the first group.

Thank you, group one. Let us proceed to the next group.

Thank you, group two. Let us proceed to the next group.

Thank you, group three. Let us proceed to the next group.

Thank you, group four. Let us proceed to the next group.

Thank you, group five. Let us proceed to the last group.

Well done! Thank you group six. Those are the basic strokes in badminton.

Let us now discuss the rules in playing badminton. For those who have already played it, will you give me at least one of the rules you know? Yes, Jerald?

Correct. A match shall consist of the best of three games wherein a game shall be won by the side which first scores 21 points.

What else? Yes, Cherry?

Correct. The side winning a game shall serve first in the next game.

Another rule? Yes, Wenci?

Correct. Even (0, 2, 4, 6 …) score serves on the right side of the court while odd (1, 3, 5, 7 …) scores serves on the left side.

What else? Yes, Arnel?

That is correct. A score is earned when a fault has been made such as if a service is not correct, the shuttle lands outside the court, touches the person or dress of a player, and does not travel towards the opponent’s court like what Arnel said.

Those are some of the rules in playing badminton.

     B.      Analysis

What do you think are the benefits of playing badminton? Yes, Jennifer?

What else? Yes, Ervin?

What else? Yes, Jed?

Thank you for your answers. They are all correct.

What do you think is the possible outcome if there is no rule given in badminton?

Yes, Cherry?

What else? Yes, Jed?

Very good. All of your answers are correct.              

Clear – shot done with the stroke above the head, the shuttle travelling up targeting the long service line; usually done to give the player time to return to base position.

Lob – shot done with the stroke below the head about waist-level, the shuttle travelling up.

Drop – shot usually done with the stroke above the head, the shuttle travelling up but dropping just near the net; usually done for placing purpose.

Net drop/shot – shot usually done with the stroke below the head, the shuttle travelling just barely touching the net and landing near it; usually done for placing purposes.

Drive – shot usually done with the stroke about the level of the head, the shuttle travelling straight or flat over the net.

Smash – shot done with the stroke above the head, the shuttle travelling down with power and speed; considered one of the most powerful attacks.

The number of required points in one game is 21.

If you win the first game you will be one who will serve on the next game.

Service is done Diagonally.

If the shuttle lands through your opponent’s side the score is yours.

Playing badminton can help lose weight.

It can also help fight stress.

Ma’am I think there will be an unlimited game scoring.

I think the players might argue inside the playing area.

Teacher’s Activity

Students’ Activity

     C.      Abstraction

Alright. Let us now simplify our lesson. What is badminton? Yes, Jennifer?

Nice answer. What else? Yes, Clinton?

Correct. What are the six basic strokes or hits in badminton? Yes, Rex?

Correct. What are the basic rules in badminton? Give me one basic rule. Yes, Sheena?

Another. Yes, Lyka?

Another. Yes, Meng?

Another. Yes, Sagun?

Correct. Give yourself three claps.

      D.      Application

I need six representatives. Now, I want you to get rackets here in front. I want you to demonstrate the forehand or handshake grip and the backhand grip.

You may now be seated. Those are the two ways on how to hold a badminton racket.

C.      Evaluation

Get one half crosswise and answer the following.

1. What is Badminton?

Enumerate the following:

2 – 4 Equipment used in Badminton

5 – 10 Basic Strokes or Hits

10 – 13 Basic Rules of Badminton

14 – 15 Two ways of holding a racket

D.      Assignment

Bring your PE uniform next meeting because we will be having our actual demonstration in playing badminton. Good day and God bless!

The sport badminton is played by singles, doubles, and mixed doubles matches where the opponents volley a shuttlecock over a net using a racket.

It originated in Siam, China over 2,000 years ago.

The six basic strokes in badminton are clear, lob, drop, net drop, drive, and smash.

A game shall be won by the side which first scores 21.

The side winning a game shall serve first in the next game.

Even score serves on the right side of the court while odd scores serves on the left side

A score is earned when the opponent’s shuttle lands outside the boundaries of the court.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

The sport badminton is played by singles, doubles, and mixed doubles matches where the opponents volley a shuttlecock over a net using a racket.

Racket, Shuttlecock, Net

Clear, drop, lob, net drop, drive, smash

A game shall be won by the side which first scores 21; The side winning a game shall serve first in the next game; Even score serves on the right side of the court while odd scores serves on the left side; A score is earned when the opponent’s shuttle lands outside the boundaries of the court.
Forehand Grip, Backhand grip.
